Pioneering renewable energy for business and communities & more
Pioneering renewable energy for business and communities & more
To help the clean energy sector develop, Philip Wolfe serves in a non-executive capacity in several companies and organisations
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In addition to his activities in WolfeWare and related organisations, Philip Wolfe has agreed to serve in a non-executive capacity on the boards and steering groups of several entities in the cleantech sector, where he has a contribution to make and an interest in their vision, aims and values.
Current appointments are shown below, and listed with historical roles here.
From experience at Westmill Solar it is clear that a substantial amount of specialist expertise is required to successfully launch a co-operative energy scheme. Because many communities may not have access to this expertise, we were delighted to hear that Communities for Renewables (CfR) had been set up by Green Trust and Regen SW with support from Esmée Fairburn. Philip Wolfe accepted an invitation to join the CfR board as a non-executive director.
During his leadership of the Renewable Energy Association, Philip drafted the original Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC) established Renewable Energy Assurance Limited (REAL) to oversee this code and other quality assurance measures within the renewable energy sector. He remains a non-executive director of REAL.
Solnet is a provider of advanced solar systems for commercial customers. The Group is based in Finland, and is expanding into other markets, with a European office based in Amsterdam.
The Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) is encouraging and stimulating the creation and issue of finance bonds specifically targetted at new investment in low carbon and other environmental technologies. Philip Wolfe is on the CBI steering committee and a member of the working group establishing standards for bonds to support investment in solar energy projects and portfolios.
As non-executive Chairman, Philip Wolfe led Westmill Solar through the public share offer and bond funding process which enabled it to undertake the £16m acquisition of Westmill Solar Park. This is believed to be the largest community-owned photovoltaic power station in the world.
Following the legislation for the Feed-in Tariffs and the Renewable Heat Incentive, two organisations and websites were established to disseminate information about the schemes. These were administered by Ownergy Plc, until it ceased trading, when WolfeWare re-acquired them and continued to provide the information service, until they were sold.
... are taken on where we have a contribution to make and identify with the aims of the enterprise.